Phone : 1-860-263-0048
Also known as: The Island of 365 Beaches.  (Root:  Waladli and Wa'onomi (Amerindian))
Each Endeavouring All Achieving
Located in the Eastern Caribbean  at the southern end of the Leeward Islands, 40 km (25 miles) northeast of Montserrat.
Columbus landed on Antigua in 1493 and named the island after the church of Santa Maria de la Antigua in Seville, Spain. It was colonised by the English in 1632 and apart from a brief French occupation in 1667, remained British until becoming an 'Associated State' in 1967. The islands attained full independence on November 1, 1981. In the late 18th century the islands  served as a major naval dockyard for the British fleet in the Eastern Caribbean.
Last elections were held in 2009. Next elections due 2014
Ruling Party:
United Progressive Party (UPP)
Major Political Parties:
Antigua Labour Party (ALP), United Progressive Party (UPP),  Barbuda People's Movement  (BPM)
Head of State:
Louisse Lake-Tack, Governor-General
Head of Government: (Antigua)


The Honourable Winston Baldwin Spencer
Prime Minister
Economic Summary:
Tourism is the main national income earner.  Dry climate and a large number of white sand beaches play an important role in the growing cargo and cruise passenger traffic.
The services sector has steadily grown to become an area of significant economic activity.
Agriculture, fishing and a growing manufacturing sector also contribute to national economic development.
V. C. Bird International (Antigua)
Codrington (Barbuda)
Independent - 1 November 1981
St. John's
442 km2 (170 miles2)
80,139 (mid-year 2004)
Eastern Caribbean Dollar (EC$)
Education: Compulsory from age 5 to 16 years
Infant Mortality Rate: 14.5 per 1000 live births (2003)
Life Expectancy:    Male 75.2 years; Female 79.1 years (2004)
GDP EC$2,209.8 Mn (2004)
GDP Per Capita:
EC$27,575 (2004)
Total Exports:
EC$164.1 Mn (2004)
Total Imports:
EC$1,074.2 Mn (2004)
Intra-Regional Exports:
EC$7.6 Mn (2001)
Intra-Regional Imports:
EC$92.3 Mn (2001)
Business Hours:
Commercial: 08:00-12:00 hrs; 13:00-16:00 hrs (Monday to Saturday).  Closed on Thursday afternoons.
Government: 08:00-16:30 hrs. (Monday to Thursday); 08:00-15:00 hrs (Friday)
National Holidays:
New Year's Day (01 January), Good Friday, Easter Monday, Labour Day (First Monday in May), Whit Monday (First Monday in June), Summer Carnival (Monday and Tuesday of first week of August), Independence Day (01 November), Vere Cornwall Bird, Snr Day (09 December), Christmas Day (25 December), Boxing Day (26 December).   Holidays that fall on a Sunday are observed the following Monday
National Anthem:

Fair Antigua and Barbuda

Fair Antigua and Barbuda
We thy sons and daughters stand
Strong and firm in peace or danger
To safeguard our native land
We commit, ourselves to building
A true nation, brave and free
Ever striving, ever seeking
Dwell in love and unity. Raise the standard!  Raise it boldly!

Answer now to duty's call
To the service of your country
Sparing nothing, giving all
Gird your loins and join the battle
'Gainst fear, hate and poverty
Each endeavouring, all achieving
Live in peace where man is free. God of nations, let thy blessings
Fall upon this land of ours
Rain and sunshine ever sending
Fill her fields with crops and flowers
We her children do implore thee
Give us strength, faith, loyalty
Never failing, all enduring
To defend her liberty.
(Words by Novelle H. Richards; Music by Walter P. Chambers)

Highest National Award:
Order of the Nation
Favourite dish:
Antigua pepperpot
Date of CARICOM Membership:
4 July 1974
Government web page:


Getting There:
Served by Air Canada, Air France, Air Jamaica, American Airlines, American Eagle, BWIA, British Airways, Continental, LIAT, Lufthansa.

Entry Documents: Passport and return or ongoing ticket required for entry. Citizens of the U.S. and Canada may enter with a return ticket and one of the following: Passport or original Birth Certificate and a photo I.D. in the form of a valid driver's license.

Airport: V.C. Bird International Airport - less than 5 miles from St. John's.

Departure Tax: $20 U.S.

Driving: On the left - license required available at the airport for US$20.

Local Transportation: Taxis and rental cars should cover your transportation needs. Car rental rates average around $45 US$ per day.




Address:    Address:   



Toll free:    Toll free:   



Email:    Email:   
Web site:    Web site:   

Tourist Board




Thames Street
St. John's, Antigua, W.I.


(268) 462-0480


Toll free:    (888) 268-4227 Toll free:   


(268) 462-2483


Email: Email:   
Web site: Web site:   


Questions about giving may be directed to Phil Marshall Email

If you wish to earmark your donation for a specific project, please indicate that on your check memo line.


    .... Antigua
.... Bahamas
.... Barbados
.... Dominican Republic
.... Grenada
.... Guyana
.... Haiti
.... Jamaica
.... Trinidad /Tobago

Capital: St. John's

Population: 80,000

Island Size: 108 square miles

Electric Current: 110 volt or 220 volt. Mostly 220 but a few hotels have 110. An adapter is a smart travel accessory.

Medical Emergencies: Holberton Hospital in St. John's. Serious emergencies are flown off island.

Current Time - 10:15 am
Standard time zone: UTC/GMT -4 hours
Daylight Saving Time: No known DST-adjustments

Climate: Average yearly temperature is 81° F. Rain is seldom but heavy at times, averaging 40 inches per year.

Official Language: English.

Currency: Eastern Caribbean Dollar (EC). U.S. dollars widely accepted.

Telephone: Local area code is 268.